Sunday, April 5, 2009

Je Recommande!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that innovation thrives no matter the economic climate, that interesting things are all around us, that we are often so busy or so overloaded that we miss the incredible. I realized a few days ago that I have recently come across some amazing things that I'd like to take a moment to recommend. I have, sadly, in no way been paid or received any kind of gifts from any of the following:

1. Roku

The Roku digital video player is this little black box that you can buy for $99. It plugs into the wall for power. It attaches to your internet connection for your netflix account. It plugs into your tv for your viewing pleasure. You may then watch any movie in your netflix instant viewing queue on your tv. Immediately. It's amazing. It seriously blows my mind every time I watch something. It's like going to the video store to rent a movie. Except instead of going you stay on your couch, and instead of walking up and down rows of terrible movies to choose from, you press a button to select from the movies you have already flagged that you want to see, and instead of picking the movie and walking to the counter and waiting in line and paying, it's included as part of your netflix account at no additional charge, and instead of walking back to the car and driving home, you press play. And they have just included's rentable selection, just in case you need to see that special movie, and spend those couple of bucks.

2. Simplify Media

I was turned on to this product by Charles on our drive to Austin. A fourteen hour car drive goes a lot faster when you can remotely access every song on your home computer from the car. Simplify Media is a download for your home computer that allows you to use an app for the iphone to connect to your home computer to listen to any song you have. As if this weren't enough, you are also able to share libraries with up to thirty other people. Thirty other music libraries you can access. I can't begin to describe how immediate this makes any musical inkling imaginable. This can all be filed under The World At Your Fingers.

3. Net News Wire

NetNewsWire is a fantastic RSS reader, one that I've been using for a few years now. All the websites that I choose to keep tabs on in a format that is so efficient it makes me weep. Allow me to go through a list of a few of the feeds I have in mine: New York Times, Freakonomics, Digg, UrbanMonk, BoingBoing, HuffingtonPost, Politico, Daily Intel, Slashdot, Gizmodo, Gawker, Slate, Reason, Wired.

4. Brandon Bird

I have no idea how I stumbled across this website, but these paintings and drawings are so amazingly fantastic and surreal that I have to share. I mean, Christopher Walken in the basement drinking a Tab building a robot with a C3P0 body and Optimus Prime head!?! David Schwimmer swimming in a pool doing noodle exercises with the elderly!?! Bea Arthur of Golden Girls fame wrestling (and winning) velociraptors!?!
You're welcome. And if you receive a Christmas Card from me this year with Mr. T on it, sorry for spoiling the surprise early.

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