Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Drive

I woke up today with a spring in my step. Maybe that overstates. Not like Gene Kelly. More like Groucho Marx. But his was more of a squatted slide. Ok, so today I woke up with a spring in my squatted slide. I had to be out early this morning, and maybe it was the atmosphere, or the sun, or the fresh air, or maybe it was the way WFPK was firing on all cylinders and rocked my 20 minute drive, but it was a great optimistic, full of potential kind of morning. This is possibly only because of the contrast with the first two days of daylight savings. Maybe it takes two days to get over the change.
I'm starting to think more about South by Southwest. I'll be going to Austin TX next week, mainly because I'm feeling like that dry sponge for new music and Austin is a big soapy bucket during the festival. I'm looking forward to going with a few friends, like Kyle (who is doing a fantastic job on the weekly feed at WFPK) and Aaron, mainly because it's been a while since we've had a road trip. That's about 2070 total miles, and Kyle and Aaron have proven to be excellent traveling companions. We'll also be there with Brigid Kaelin, and I look forward to keeping a fairly clean schedule to see what we chance upon. Austin is a fairly small city, and just like you can drive anywhere in Louisville in twenty minutes, in Austin you can walk there in that amount of time. I'll also be covering the festival for the LEO, or they will be linking to the site, or copying to their site or something of that sort. I think what I do will be a combination of twitter-like updates throughout the day along with longer blog type posts. And pictures of meals at Guero's.

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