Thursday, February 4, 2010

Grey's Anatomy is Decadent and Depraved

Sometimes I wonder what Hunter S. Thompson would say about Grey's Anatomy.

I'm pretty sure after slightly lowering his smoldering, long cigarette holder and glowering an expressionless stare, he'd flip through the nearest Merriam-Webster's and manage to utter the following:

vain, empty
ignorantly arrogant

He would then snap the volume shut with one hand, letting it fall at 9.8m/s, striking the floor with a startling sound, pausing motionless until he slowly picks up his Wild Turkey on the rocks with his non-smoking hand. "I don't know who writes dialogue like that, but, I've consumed and imbibed and absorbed a lifetime of most every substance known to man, and I've never encountered anything as mind numbing as that show."

1 comment:

Emily said...

You should put that definition in the Urban Dictionary.